The metropolis known as Silver City is a gleaming example of our bright future. That is what the Beaumont family would have you believe - and for some, it is exactly that. For others, it is a melting pot of art, science and history that offers opportunities unfettered by money, manpower or morals. For the majority of people who call it home, it is a place of toil and imbalance. The gap between the haves and the have-nots seems to widen even as more and more people arrive looking for a way to make their fortune.
Silver City is unique in its geographic location - perched on the edge of what some say is a bottomless chasm - and in its geopolitical importance. As a result of all the mining activity, the canals that power its industry, and the utter monopoly it holds on a valuable substance known as Incense, Harkenfell as it was once known is home to some of the most boundary-pushing scientific research in the whole world of Fulcrum, its denizens (the richer ones) enjoying the fruits of technological advances that people even a few miles outside of the city walls can only dream of.